Lead acid battery

Lead Acid Battery

What is Lead Acid Battery

The Batteries used in the Automobile is Lead-acid battery. It is one of the oldest types of rechargeable batteries. Lead-acid batteries were invented by French physicist Gaston Plante in the Year 1859.

Since then, it has been widely used for a variety of purposes. The vehicle/car industry regularly uses this type of battery in vehicles. Other industries often use lead-acid batteries in marine applications, RVs, golf carts, alternative energy applications/battery banks, or scooters.  

cross section of lead acid battery

There are mainly three components are used in these types of battery Anode, Cathode & Electrolyte solution. The cathode is the Positive terminal of the battery and the Anode is the Negative terminal. Generally in Automobile 12v battery is used. 

The container which consists all three parts (cathode, anode, and electrolyte solution) is called Cell. All the chemical reaction takes place in the cell. For the vehicles, Lead-acid batteries can be classified as secondary batteries. The chemical reactions that occur is cells are reversible. 

Sealed Lead-Acid Battery

diagram of lead acid battery


  • There are Six cells present in a sealed lead-acid battery. Cells are mounted side by side in a Single Case. The cells are linked together, and each 2v cell adds up and generates the 12v capacity of the battery.
  • These types of batteries are heavy in weight but still preferred over other lightweight options because of their ability to deliver large surges of electricity(which is required to start a cold engine in an automobile)
  • The Electrodes are of lead oxide and they are separated from each other by layers of porous Partitions.
  • The Electrolyte solution is used in these batteries is a concentrated solution of  Sulfuric acid. In a cell, the connectors connect the positive end of one cell to the negative end of the next cell if the six cells are in sequence.

Read Working of Lead Acid Battery 

A huge number of lead-acid batteries are being used in the world today; inevitably, many are aging, corroding, and getting discarded. However, many of the lead-acid batteries that are just thrown away or no longer used can be tested and reconditioned. This will allow you to reuse the battery and save money because you won’t have to buy a new battery. The savings from reconditioning batteries can add up really quickly, especially if you plan on using a lot of lead-acid batteries (like in a solar panel battery bank or in several vehicles). 

Check battery Reconditioning guide: In this guide, we’ll show you how to recondition your lead-acid batteries step by step. We will try and be as detailed as possible so you’re not left with any questions or wondering how to do something. We’ll also demonstrate what we’re  doing with visual references so you see exactly what to do

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